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Ukraine’s wildlife is incredible: forests and grassland plains (steppes), wetlands and mountains, rocky habitats and caves, rivers and seas, floodplains, and even a desert. Ancient and undisturbed (primary) forests are home to threatened species of plants and animals. And now people who have been forced to flee are finding shelter in some of the protected areas. 

Russia’s war against Ukraine has already affected 20% of protected areas. Many internationally important wildlife sites are threatened with destruction, including:

  • 2.9 million hectares of the Emerald Network are at risk. These territories are a significant part of the nature protection network of Europe, which is protected within the framework of EU and Council of Europe legislation.
  • 16 Ramsar sites with an area of ​​more than 600,000 hectares are under threat of destruction. These are the territories that have the status of wetlands of international importance due to their unique biodiversity.
  • The Great and Small Kuchugury Archipelago with an area of ​​7,740 hectares is now liberated, but due to its proximity to the front line, it is still under threat. 
  • The Russians occupied 8 nature reserves and 10 national parks.
  • national parks have been liberated.

Wownature is the voice of Ukraine’s nature in this time of war.  During this terrible time we will share how protected areas and their partners are making every effort to protect wildlife and human lives.


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National Parks and Reserves of Ukraine

  • 56 National Nature Parks

  • 19 Nature Reserves

  • 5 Biosphere Reserves


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